**Please Read All The Details. Thank You**

Only Two Major Speaking Roles left!

Filming Dates To Be Announced in the future.

Secure your Spot Today.

You need to have experience as an Actor/Actress to Secure this Major Speaking Role, which will be fine tuned to suit your personality. If not, you will have to get a Special Thanks Credit, then send us a one minute cell phone video, showing us your Acting Ability to be eligible. 

***We don’t have time to go through hundreds and hundreds of Cell Phone Videos, for those who are only looking for feedback, or trying to get a Role in the Movie through the backdoor.*** So get your Special Thanks Credit First, if you have no prior Acting experience. (then send us your one minute Cell Phone Video)

Your Major Speaking Role includes your food and Accommodations in Edmonton, Canada. You will also be given the title of Co-Producer when you secure your Major Acting Role.  As well as all of the other perks. (Online Screener, etc)

You will be a Major Actor/Actress with a Major Speaking Role in HORROR BY MIDNIGHT, and appear throughout the Movie in your Major Speaking Role. You will know the exact Shooting Dates at least 2 Months in advance. Your Contribution helps us offset the high costs of Filming.

You will receive an Acting Credit, and a Co-Producer on the HORROR BY MIDNIGHT IMDB Page right away, and on the Beginning and End Credits, of the Movie. You will also receive 12 World Premiere VIP Passes, to the World Premiere of HORROR BY MIDNIGHT. (World Premiere City To be Announced in the future) Your name will also appear on the Posters, DVD’s, Blurays, and wherever the Credits of the Movie appear.

A Movie lasts forever… So you will live on forever, as a Movie Actor Starring in a Major Acting Role in HORROR BY MIDNIGHT. 

Secure your Major Role Right Away if you have experience as an Actor/Actress, If not, you will need to get your Special Thanks Credit first, (as we already mentioned) and then send us a Cell Phone Video of yourself Acting. (a one minute Cell Phone Video clip is fine) The Director just wants to make sure that you will not freeze in front of the camera, and that you will be fine in front of a camera. 

Live your Dreams, and secure your Major Acting Role today.


If you already have Acting Experience, you can secure your Role Right Away, without getting your Associate Producer Credit first. Please proceed to the check out below, and you have a Major Role in the Movie.